
Thursday 19 November 2020

Ballet Poem !!!!!


Today I am going to tell you my Ballet poem we made ballet poem we are making ballet poems because tomorrow our whole school is going to the ballet but I don't know which one. So my class made there poems about the ballet they are going too. I added some shine to mine I hope  you like my presentation. 

Here is my Work.

Thank you for reading my Blog sushi Fam have a good day and BYE.

Thursday 12 November 2020


Hi Sushi fam,

Today i am back with another post and I am going  tell you about  what i have been learning about for topic we have been trying to figure out what a word means need put into this slide called social science. This was really fun to make I hope you like my slide.

Here is my slide.

Thank you for reading my blog Sushi fam. Please comment and have an amazing day.
       #sushi Fam. 

Friday 6 November 2020

Mosaic art For the flower show


Welcome back to my blog Today I am going tot  tell you about the flower show for the flower show we dd mosaic art mosaic art is the second oldest  type of art  now back to the flower  show every year there is a flower show for years 1 up to 6 or over. 

Here is my mosaic art

Thank you so much for reading my blog what did you  make for the flower show?.

Thursday 29 October 2020

Fixing a story !!!

 Hey Sushi fam and welcome to my blog,

We are learning about surface features surface features are little bits that fix your story like punctuation, spelling and repeated words. Make it easier for other people to read.

Here is my example of my sentence without surface features.thissentsaChulymakessen Zbuttisrellyhrd to reed

so that is why surface features are important

On our Room Nine site and make a copy of a writing document and it had someones amazing story without surface features so we fixed the story  and now it makes sense. Here is the writing I changed 

He kept absolutely still as the footsteps got louder. He tried not to suffocate as  laid
under the bed he was wondering what had happened to his brother and his family. The man with the knife
in his hand stormed around the house.

 Mum has had boyfriends before but we had not thought that they would ever find us.
 Maybe he was one of them looking for revenge. But why would he come? Mum w ould just move and how did he find us? We live on the other side of the planet from where all of mum's boyfriends
 were so how could he find us? He might have put a tracker on mum when he last saw her or on one of her devices
 ‘Hello, where are you?
I know you're here, you're going to tell me where your mother is or you shall join your father... in the skies. So  which will it  be death or freedom you have ten seconds to choose wisely’.’'

Thank you for reading my blog please leave a comment do you know how to surface features know?

Friday 16 October 2020

Fia fia Night

Hey guys,

 I  am back and sorry for not posting in a while but im back to entertain you little beans again. So I'm going to tell you about FiaFia. 

First  I will tell you when FiaFia started so it started in September 25th It was really embarrassing  im the person in  a purple dress with some black designs as i went inside i saw so much cultural food my Favorite was SUSHI load of people took so many videos and pictures  while we where performing.

Here is a VIDEO of the performance.

Preview YouTube video Hornby Primary Fi

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Tree Planting at Spring-field

 Hey guys and welcome to my blog,

Today  I will be telling you guys about tree planting.

So first we went to Springfield  while we are  Going to Spring-field I am in the car with  Zahina,Sonnie,Talisa,Mereana,Freya, And some other Trusted Trekkers and health leaders. Soon we went to the big Donut We took some photos of us  Next to the big donut As soon as that was over we went to Jenny's farm To plant some trees  We also took more pictures there  1 hour Later  soon we got our lunch box's and Ate our morning tea we had a little break We where so proud of ourselves Planting more tree for New Zealand. We went  and saw some animals. Soon we went back had lunch and played for  a few minutes  then Eddie broke his Arm .Then we saw more animals. then we Went to school and went home and I lied in my bed Sleeping. THE END.

Thank you for reading my blog .-_-

Monday 7 September 2020

Word of the week

 Hey my Greatest Fans,

Today I am going to show you my word of the week  This week the  word is  Cantankerous 

Do you know what it means 

here Is my work

Thank you for reading my blog.